I genuinely thought this shitty “oO nAhH hOw dAre yOu SaY sUcH thiNgs aboUT mE, nOw I aM goNnA KeEp oN cRyiNg abOuT iT liKE a cHiLd aNd mAkE thEse vErY siGmA ‘ye karne se mains clear nahi hoga’ cOmEbacKs aNd yOu guYs sHoUld sAy nOtHing aBouT it cUs I aM aLwayS riGht aNd I gOt a wHole bUncH of alt aCcouNts beHind mE wHo cAn sPam sWear wOrDs because tHaT iS veRy cOoL aNd siGma aTtituDe 😎 😎 😈😈🤫🤫” drama couldn’t get any cringier but of all you juniors with a singular non-functioning brain cell who donot know when to end things proved me wrong.


Seriously put a fucking end to this matter, I’m tired of seeing these children and their meatriders in the comments trying their absolute best to prove their coolness is beyond anyone’s comprehension by trying to win this battle of absolute degeneracy. Y’all should be locked up in a basement.


I bet all these people trying to defend themselves are using the internet for the first time in their lives and have never been in the online world. Like imagine crying over a fucking online post lmfao. All your tears are gonna end up solving water crisis one fine day.


At the end of the day, I’m just trying to stress about the fact that y’all need to actually grow tf up. Learn handling insults…just laugh about them and move on with ur lives. Incase y’all are new to the internet there are only two types of things in this world…things to gaf about and things to not gaf about and I believe this comes in the category of the latter. I bet the creator is having a hell of a good time seeing his website being this active. In the end he’s the only one benefitting from all this shitton of a drama.


(I can already smell the stench of reha and her dickriders who haven’t showered since the beginning of this drama readying up to spout some more nonsense and swears in the comments. To all of them, this is the amount of fucks I give :                                 )



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