Category Post

cool dude talking with ugly girl

the only good looking guy in campus been spotted talking with the most retarded ugly looking bitch ass junior and i got confused for a second. even i wud instantly reject talking with her. that girl thinks shes very pretty…

the junior experience (reshuffling arc)

im back. another exam and here i am in another batch. probably the worst smelling batch of all time ganga. how have people come to the point where they see everyone and everything as competition like my fucking god they…

reality check

i really don’t know why i created this account or why i’m writing this post but HOLY am i cooked if i don’t study. the only thing to do here is study and an absolutely astonishing zero number of actual…

GUYS to lookout for 😘

well since the guys are making a list of girls i thought let’s do the same and humble their asses 🥰   ok so it’s been a while for me in this shithole of a college filled with the most…

Anonymous therapist here!

Hey there! This is a growing concern among the many active users of this website and those who think similarly. Firstly, there’s a very evident proof of what can only be described as ‘small pp behavior’ syndrome. It’s alarmingly common,…

the inspiring girl

hello guys! I hope ya all are doing well! This is just a random post at a very random time. So since I have joined fiitjee I have met many people I know many people, honestly people at fiitjee are…